To clean kitchen counters, appliances, and the inside of your refrigerator.

You will need:
  • 4 tablespoons baking soda
  • 750ml warm water

  1. To clean kitchen counters, appliances, and the inside of your refrigerator, all you need is baking soda. It makes a great deodorizer and can be used to shine stainless steel sinks and appliances. To deodorize surfaces, use the homemade cleaner with baking soda solution above or pour baking soda straight from the box and into your drain or garbage disposal to remove odors. To shine and remove spots from stainless steel, make a paste of baking soda and water. Apply it with a damp cloth and rub gently in the direction of the metal’s grain. Rinse and buff dry.

Important safety tip: Never combine ammonia-based cleaners with chlorine bleach or products containing bleach, such as powdered dishwasher detergent. The fumes they’ll create are extremely dangerous. Before doing any mixing, read the product labels first. Always label any bottles of DIY cleaners with all the ingredients inside. In case a child or animal gets into it, it’s important to know what the mixture contains.